Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year To All My SeaHouse Supporters
SeaHouse Imagery – Serving the Creative Industry
Meeting the demand for visual marketing
Hey Guys,
Just popping into your inbox to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2020!!! I hope your holiday break is filled with much love and laughter!
While I’m reflecting on the year that’s ending and planning goals for next year, I want to T H A N K - Y O U for your kindness in supporting SeaHouse over the past year. Whether it was in person, e-mail or you followed, liked a post or took time to comment on Instagram, Pinterest, DM's, became a valued member, used a freebie or visited the SeaHouse online store. I am SO incredibly grateful that you took your precious time to be social!
Moving forward into a new decade with the beginnings of 2020 the "styled stock" industry continues to emerge as visual content is an even higher priority for marketing and advertising. I want to make sure that SeaHouse continues to adapt to best serve you. As the industry is growing I am also developing better skills and expect the SeaHouse Stock Library to further flourish as well. The quality in my stock library is more professional than when I first started this venture and I can say SeaHouse is definitely delivering a better product for you. I continue to have lots of new ideas for the future year… so stay tuned!
My primary goal has always been to help you or your business GROW by providing instant, affordable, professional images, with a coastal inspiration. As you prepare your business for new challenges, risks and growth in the upcoming year, if you haven’t already done so, try our styled stock photography and easily build your brand or style around stunning, C O A S T A L images… inspired by the Sea! Here’s a link to our Online Store for you to browse at your leisure: SeaHouse Imagery Online Store
New images and styles are being added regularly to the store. Styled images, some with popular text, included, saves you heaps of time and gives you more time to work on other exciting and profitable aspects of your business! You will also find some images with white space for overlaying your own marketing messages or inspirational quotes. These images can be used as is, or customised for all your social media platforms, web pages, newsletters, advertising, blog posts and lots of other uses!
This one is from our latest Styled Desktop Bundle and has proven to be very popular! Click here
Browse Bundles or on the image and it will take you to our latest bundles.
You now have a much greater choice in selecting stock photos as there are many providers and that is wonderful for individuals and business owners. There is room for all of us! Elevate and Enhance, your brand or style with versatile, styled stock photos from SeaHouse Imagery! Remember, not all Styled Stock Photos have to be the SAME! SeaHouse Imagery, stock photos have a unique COASTAL theme!
Thank you again for your continued support throughout this past year. I look forward, again in 2020, to continue to provide YOU with more stress-free relaxed vibes and of course, to help you easily grow your business and social media platforms with C O A S T A L images that you want and are of course inspired by the Sea!
Happy Holidays and I hope you all have an amazing and most of all happy 2020!
If you have any questions, want custom made images and/or quotes ready-made, I am happy to help. Just reply to this email!
Till next time… Much Love,
Deb x