10 Inspirational Quotes For Daily Use
Hi Friends,
Looking for some inspiration?
There are times in our lives when we all search for someone or something to give us or show us much needed inspiration. It can come from our family, our friends, our mentors or even strangers.
Inspiration can come from a special quote, ideas, acts of kindness, sadness, bravery, courageous acts or helping hands.
Here are ten inspirational quotes (and they happen to be available for purchase in my online shop, use code SEAHOUSE25 for 25% discount at checkout) that I find inspire me:
1. All You Need is Love (inspired by my recently late Mum)
2. There are So Many Incredible Reasons to be Happy (inspired by Dwi from Bali)
3. Be Kind, Be Brave, Be Bold (inspired by my good friend Melanie)
4. Home Is Where You Learn... (inspired by my beautiful family)
5. Let It Go (Don't hang onto grudges - it only ruins your own health. Inspired by my good friend Melanie again, she's very inspirational)
6. Waves of Change (inspired by all my Instagram Friends, who are so positive and inspiring me to take this little small business journey, and I hope to find my true direction)
7. Today Is a Perfect Day To Start Living Your Dreams (inspired by my girls - @you.theworld.wandering and @haylesmurray - living the lives they choose)
8. Relax, Unwind, Enjoy (inspired by my girlfriends - weekends away!)
9. Listen and Silent Are Spelt With The Same Letters (inspired by anyone who is able to listen and to those who meditate for silence)
10. T.E.A.M. - Together Everyone Achieves More (inspired by team work, cos we can never do it all on our Own!)
There you go, there's my few inspirational quotes that I draw on to help in the daily grind of life.
Comment below and let me know what quotes inspire you. Love to hear from you.
Deb, SeaHouse Imagery x